Friday 20 May 2011

Just a quick post tonight as I am completely shattered, I have just had 5 fabulous days in sunny Spain but I didn't get home until 0130 this morning and I was up for work at 0610, so I am about dead on my feet. I loved the break away and did nothing but lay in the sun and read, but there really is no place like home and I am looking forward to a long nights sleep in my bed tonight, so I will be back soon with pictures and more tales, but for now its Goodnight!

Monday 9 May 2011

With all this sunny weather we've been having it got me thinking about days by the sea. This bunting is inspired by sun, sand, sea, fish and chips along the prom and, of course, deckchairs!
I love this bunting, well actually I am loving making any bunting at the minute, it started with a request from my mum to make her and her friends some Royal bunting for THE wedding, they all loved it and my newest obsession began. I've been making it in every spare minute since, but this is definitely my favourite so far!
This is it hanging from my gorgeous dresser in the kitchen, it brightens everything up and makes me smile, and that after all is what making things is all about, isn't it? Making you smile and making you that little bit happier when things aren't going your way. I love it and I hope you do too! It's in both my Folksy and Etsy shop, i've not got it on the website as yet, that's a job for today!

Friday 6 May 2011

Featured on Treasury
Yes that's right, i've been featured on somebody elses Treasury. It's a great feeling to know that someone likes the items you've spent time and effort making. It was my Oh So Cool bunting (above), here's the link if you want to have a look

Wednesday 4 May 2011

A Right Royal Do!
All these long weekends and Royal Weddings have got me in the mood for a Great British Summer, so I started thinking about Great British things, and came up with bunting and cakes.
Here are a couple of pictures of the bunting and the cake stands will follow, all available to buy through Folksy!

Monday 2 May 2011

I'm Back

Take Two
I had a half hearted attempt at writing a blog last year, as you can see it wasn't very successful, however I am back to try again. I haven't stopped reading everyone else's blogs, I just never really got into writing my own. I've also been and brushed up on my skills, I've taught myself to crochet, I tried knitting but didn't really get on with that and also brushed up on my sewing skills.
I've really enjoyed it and have made some lovely bits and pieces and now it's about time I shared them with everyone else (I appreciate that might be a little ambitious as I have only one follower and that was a year ago!!) Any suggestions as to how I increase the amount of people that follow me?
Well I will update regularly and show you some of my work in the hope that someone out there is watching and reading!!

Friday 30 April 2010

Lovely Jubbly Buttons

I've been quite busy recently but just had to show you these giant buttons i've managed to source, they are fantastic and I can't wait to use them on my lastest project (not quite sure what that will be yet!). I have some of them on sale over at my Folksy shop

Monday 12 April 2010

I made this cushion last week as a Christening present, I have a tortoise, called George, and he has just re-surfaced from hibernation so he is the inspiration of this cushion. I liked it to much I've made another one to put in my folksy shop! For the Christening I added the baby's name and the date on for posterity, it will be something for him to look at for years to come I hope x